Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What *is* it With the Doors Here?

I got up this morning and headed off to the bathroom, and sure enough, my bedroom door was stuck shut. Played with that thing for 3-4 minutes before it would open. Never could figure out what the problem was - its been raining so maybe it was something as simple as the wood getting a little swollen from humidity or whatnot - but I have to admit I briefly thought Em had done something to the door as a joke. Propped up a chair under the handle or something. I know, I know, it sounds really extreme to think that she'd do something like that, but when a normally completely capable person has so many problems with a simple mechanism like a DOOR, as some point you've just got to consider that there are outside forces at work. And god knows she's been entertained enough by my encounters with them so far on this trip...

Hell, I haven't even mentioned the train yet, have I? Yeah, so in going to St Petersburg, I hopped the night train and shared a sleeper cabin with 3 other folks (a story of its own.) In the middle of the night, I woke up having to go to the bathroom. There was no light at *all* in that cabin. None. We were in the middle of nowhere on a moonless nigh, so nothing through the windows. Everyone is asleep, so no lights inthe cabin. I only know wehere the door is through orientation, because there's no light coming in from underneath it. It was DARK.

So when I get to the door, I can't se what the hell is going on. I find the handle by touch, and try to quietly slide it open. No luck. So I tug a little harder. Nothing. I tried pushing. Then pulling,although with the narrow hallway behind it I knew that was a long shot. Is it locked? Well hell, I can't see, and even if I wanted to turn it on and wake everyomne, I couldn't find the light switch to see. More quiet tugging. I've really gotta pee now. But this thing is not moving.

Defeated, I actually went back to my bulk. I laid there for a while hoping that I'd soon see dawn breaking through the window hearalding the fast-approaching train station, but no luck. I was so loathe to disturb anyone - I'd already made a fairly poor first impression just trying to find my cabin and figure out my bunk and not get in anyone's way with my bunkmates - but I was getting desperate. (What had I eaten for dinner? Would it make my pee stink if I just wet my bunk? Would anyone be able to tell?)

Lest you think you need to remove me from your Google Reader account, no, I did not pee my bed. I got back up and started muscling the shit out of that door; bunkmates be damned. And I'm not sure what I would've done had our door at home not been broken - to close it all the way you have to lift the whole door by its handle. And that's what did the trick for me on the train. I dashed down the hall and returned hapily, relieved at being relieved. Of course, I was wide awake by then and never did get back asleep, but I was no longer having to consider soiling myself as an option, so I'm gonna count that as a win.

Who are the door gods, and exactly how does one anger them? What do I have to do to get them to cut me a little slack? Spin the wrong way through a revolving door three times while sacrificing a levelour blind? Any way you frame it, my future might hinge on this!


At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah! Sounds like you should carry a swiss army knife with you at all times so you can at least get the hinges off the doors when you get stuck. That and maybe an empty bottle and some TP too. ;)


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