Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


So, the other day I bought an armoire (which I think is french for cabinet with too much self-importance) off of Craig's List to replace the entertainment center in the living room. It's not top of the line, but it's nice in a simple and slightly used kind of way. I'd been wanting one on the premise of out of sight, out of mind for Mags, plus if you close the doors, the whole area just looks less cluttered. And it forced us to do more purging of unused items. Yay purging!

Anyhow, Husband helped me move everything around this morning (or maybe more correctly, I helped him.) A few feng shui discussions later, we decided on its placement and hooked everything up. The doors are nice in another way: they block out a lot of the light mmediately around the screen, so the image seems to stand out more. Nice! Sort of darkened the area like a theater.

Which of course led me to imagine nice red velvet curtains on the inside of the doors. Maybe a little bit of the gold fringe trim too? I also imagine the curtain coming in a bit over the edges of the tv as there is space on either side. Not enough to cover the screen in any way, but enough to make curtains seem like they're not floating in space next to the tv.

I'll get right on it.


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