Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Balance and Routine

Both of which I could use more of right now.

The begining of week four yawns before me at school (and I mean yawns - god DAMN but that computer class is deathly dull!) I'm just now starting to feel like I'm getting my groove back. I'm definitely glad to be back, don't get me wrong. I've been catching up on the gossip with all my teachers, several students have expressed what seems to be genuine happiness to see me again, I've met a bunch of new and less-irritating students than some of the ones I left behind, and my brain is finally getting use beyond Blue's Clues.

But it has been tough getting back into the swing of things. First it was that late night schedule I had to snap out of. Of course, I didn't get into that mode until the last month before I went back to school - oh, the unfairness of it all! Obviously that made making an 8am class a bit of a challenge. I'm feeling better about it, and while I'm still not thrilled about it, its happening.

Then there was my attempt to take the bus to and from school. Sure, I'll be a good hippie and save wear and tear on the car! Turns out theres a sometimes-express bus that goes from two blocks from my house to towo blocks from school. Killer! you'd think. Sure, killer in that in order to catch it on time to get to school I need to leave the house at 6:15 in the morning, and killer in that the constant starting and stopping of the bus made me have motion sickness nearly nonstop for the hour long ride. That happened just once. Now, I try to ride the train. I still need to leave the house around 6:30, but its about 3 billion times more pleasant. And I still get my hippie badge.

Homework, ye black hole of free time. I'm still trying to figure out when to get it all done so that I'm not doing it the night before its due, not doing it on my day off, and not doing it while Mags is around. Starting to get a better feel for it, especially after Husband and I worked out who's ok watching Mags when and for how long. Frees up a lot of time, and now with less guilt!!

Then there's Mags. She's now in daycare 4 days a week. Through last week, that meant Mon-Thurs. That also meant if i stayed late at school on Monday to do work, then I did not see her Tuesday am, she'd sleep at J&E's Tues pm, and they'd take her straight to daycare Wed. Sure, I'd see hger Wed pm, but then she was right back in daycare on Thursday. It was/is creeping me out., and its been pretty rough on said daughter as well. She cries when anyone besides me picks her up now, and she's extra clingy at home. I realize this is reality for many many families out there, and it just feels freaky to me. This week we're switching Thursday and Friday, so I'll still get my day off, but it breaks up the not-seeing-Mags-for-4-days string.

There's some ironing out that needs to happen until there's really flow again, and I'm not suprised to discover it. I just hope it happens sooner rather than later.


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