Rant and, well, more Rant!
I spent the last 20 minutes at the library composing a huge gripe to the comment box about the lack of a designated quiet area after 7pm. I think I did a fairly good job of being civil about it, and right now, I don't really care even if I wasn't. I just wasted an hour and a half at the library, AND I nearly lost the meager amount of work I did manage to accomplish because the library security system for some reason would not let me save my work from the computer to my memory stick flash drive-y thing. I had to print it out (quick! Scramble to see if you have any loose change for the copy fee!) which means I get to retype it all now that I'm home. So take that, library personel! Feel the wrath of my pen! Ha HA!
Plus, when I got home, Husband was jsut launching into what appeared to be the begining of a lengthy, let's-catch-up phone call at his desk -- not 10' from mine. For the most part, any other night, this would be no biggie. But now I'm feeling even further behind, stressed, and all I want is total silence to get lost in (in his defense, he immediately moved into the bathroom and closed the door when I asked him to please hold the conversation somewhere else. I appreciate it, Husband, even if I could in no way vocalize it at the time. Smooch.)
I may just have to *not* work on this for about 30 minutes until I calm down and can actually focus again. Oooh, maybe a cookie.....
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