Right the F*** On!
Saints be praised, it turnes out I did not need the biopsy part of the ultrasound after all. Whoo-hoo!

With my only ultrasound experiences having been whilst knocked up, it was strange having an ultrasound sans baby. I kept looking at the screen, searching for a heartbeat, or a flailing arm or something. Not suprisingly, the technician did not find these things in my throat. I practiced every relaxation technique I knew while lying there, which leads me to believe I really don't know that many (or I just couldn't remember any.) Either way, I did a lot of deep breathing. After the technician (luckily not the one of the previous post!) mapped out my throat, the doctor came in and did a few quick swipes with the wand himself.
Long story short, yes I have a lump, but he did not feel it warranted a biopsy. Its a) way too small, and b) full of fluid, which 99% of the time is a sure sign its not cancerous. And, he reassured me, even if it was that 1% of cancerous lumps, thyroid tumors are not like lung or breast cancer where if you don't catch it early, all hope is lost. Its got to be at least 4cm before they start to get concerned, and mine is only about 0.5cm. Whew!
After pulling my tongue out of the doctor's throat, I got dressed and headed home. I was in such a good mood, I got all crazy and took 280 home instead of driving on El Camino. Wacky! I also heard this happy little tune on the radio in the truck. Nice.
Major, bigtime WOOOT!
Must be a huge load off your mind.
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