Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wait, Who am I Kidding?

Down time? I'm on crack. I have an enormous presentation due tomorrow for class at 8am that I haven't even started.

Oh, I'm sorry, in all of the excitement I've forgotten to mention that I'm back in school, haven't I? Yeah, I started back at the [art school] 8 weeks ago, and am taking 3 classes this quarter, which turns out to be a pretty hefty work load in hindsight. It was a fairly last minute decision, one that I made after agreeing to do the previously mentioned wedding dress. Its added its own flavor of stress, but I've only 3 weeks left to go, and then I get a month off, which is a nice carrot.

None of my classes are particularly 'fun' in my opinion, but I've put them off basically as long as I can and need to just get them out of the way. One of them is a computer pattern-making class, which I really dislike, and in fact am retaking it because I hated it so much the first time around I dropped it mid-quarter (I'm proud to say that's realy the only class in my school career that I've done that for.) It's a specialized CAD class, I'll never use it again in the field I want to go in, and the teacher is pretty ineffective, so every week is really an exercise in sucking it up. Then comes Career Development, which is useful in that it teaches you resume and interviewing skills which frankly I could use, and has a nice Psych 101 flavor to it as well, but it feels like a bit pf a stretch to actually make this an 11 week course IMHO. I also took (sigh) Speech class. I say took because it was an intensive online class that lasted only the first 5.5 weeks of the quarter, which effectively makes the rest of the quarter only have two classes (well, and a wedding dress.)

I know, I know, online Speech sounds completely ridiculous and bogus. Admittedly, parts of it were (reading assignments? Not sure I *ever* cracked open that textbook, ) but I can honestly say I was able to take stuff out of that class that I could use again. Like this presentation tomorrow, for example. We had to give about 6 speeches during the course (informational, impromptu and persuasive,) all via webcam. Then you'd have to upload them to the site, and watch the videos everyone else did, and then critique them in a chatroom setting. For the record, giving a speech to a camera is not really any easier than doing it in front of an audience. In fact, it involved this odd factor of having to train yourself to starte directly at a camera, which feels really unnatural too.

Anyhow, my wheels are slowly rolling through the sacred halls of education once again. And the best part is, after this quarter, I only have to take two more classes -- and then I graduate! Yes! You read that correctly! G-R-A-D-U-A-T-E! Miracle of miracles! After approximately ten million years of various paths of higher education, I will be done! Granted, I'm only this close because I switched my degree from a BA to an AA, but I'll take it! Turns out most theaters only need the 2 year degree (plus some experience, but who's counting?) which saves me from years of classes I don't need and would writhe in pain taking (turns out once you get past the sewing part, a Costuming degree and a Fashion degree veer pretty far off from each other.)

Buoyed by that thought, I'm going to go make up a somewhat bogus career presentation now, and will BS-ing like mad by 9am tomorrow. Think of me and seethe with jealousy!


At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How'd the presentation go? Huzzah for being almost done!!!!


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