Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

1...2...3:45, 6/7/8

Flash mob-ish thing performs Bjork's "Oh So Quiet" this past Saturday in Union Square. Tres amusant (good footage, good sound):

Made even more amusing by the fact that *I* was in there, shaking my child-bearing pudge all over the place. Oh yes, there's even proof:

A good reminder not to take yourself too seriously. :)

Oddly enough, we were almost upstaged when a Muni bus pulled up and 30 or so folks dressed as random superheros (spandex, capes, underwear on the outside) poured out to do their own impromptu thing in Union Square about 10 minutes before we were supposed to start. After about 8 minutes they all hopped on the next bus and left. Weirdos.

Also, biting my tongue to not 'apologize' to folks for having to see my big ole tummy popping out from underneath my shirt during the performance. Pretty damn proud of myself for putting my tummy (and the rest of me) out there in Union-Fucking-Square to begin with. :)


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Traveling Em said...

Awesome!!! So fun. I totally saw you and your shadow dancing. It and you rock! Have I mentioned recently I miss living in SF...

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was awesome - you totally rock and man, how did you guys get so choreographed?

At 10:03 AM, Blogger mama pajama said...

Technically it wasn't a flash mob in that we had 3 separate rehearsals in the week prior to the performance, I guess. Lemme just tell you that its not a strenuous routine -- until you do it over and over and over for 2 hours. Whew! In comparison, the 5 minute thing n Union Square just *flew* by!

At 9:10 AM, Blogger zombiegrrrl said...

That was fantastic!!! Kudos to you for doing it! I don't think I could have. Dress as a zombie and lumber around? Yes. Do coordinated dance moves in a public square? No way.

I hope you downloaded that video to play over and over again!

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Jill Pettegrew said...

um, this is a woman who had BRAIN SURGERY a year ago people. out there jumpin' around like it's nobody's business.

you go sister!!!



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