Welcome, President Obama!
Wow, that feels good to say. :)
I'm betting the cheering at the inuaguration could've been heard from outer space. Seriously.
Husband and I were taking a poorly-planned tour of one of the local kindergartens and missed seeing it live (dammit!!) but I've been sucking down as much footage as I can since getting back home. The amount of bodies on the Mall was amazing. It seemed to stretch to the horizon. Makes me feel like I can say I was part of the crowd; just way, way, WAY in the back (what're state lines when we're talking about the inauguration, really?)
We've been trying to express the import of this day on Mags, although she is much more fascinated by the fact that someone SHOT Martin Luther King and KILLED him and then he was DEAD! (infliction by Mags.) SHe has been paying attention, though. In dropping her off at school today, we were passed by an African American man (presumably) on his way to watch the inauguration. He was dressed in what I assume was his Sunday finest: a natty peacock-blue, pinstriped zoot-suit type ensemble. Mags spoke up from the back of the car: "Is that the President?" Oooh, the imagination soars.
In closing, a few images I thought were great:

A little civil disobedience and

Big day for america, I hope Obama will change the world !
Nous esperons si aussi!
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