Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Whoo Hoo!

Got my first restful night's sleep in about 13 days last night! Didn't want to kill or maim anyone this morning! (Well, ok maybe one or two people...)

I have no idea why last night was better than all the other nights; I did almost nothing different. If anything, I *broke* a few 'rules' for sleep: stayed up til 1145 watching a less-than-relaxing movie. I'm guessing its part of that cycle where I sleep good, then sleep progressively worse every night after that until one night I finally just pass out because my body can't physically remain conscious any longer. Ten bucks says tonight is crappy again.

Am trying to get an appointment with a TMJ specialist; seems I've developed a pretty nasty case of that since at least the surgery, if not before while slogging through the CPAP machine. Hoping maybe s/he can help me with these night headaches as the Stanford Neurologist had nothing to point to (although I did get some very expensive pain meds for them anyhow.) Am also going to see an allergist to see if there's anything that needs to be treated that might be affecting my sleep as well.

Yes, yes, there are definitely days where I wake up and just want to die.


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