Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Ok, so my dream would be to have the deck/yurt done by this fall so that we could go up to El Rancho for xmas. Farfetched at this point, but a girl can dream. But it got me to thinking - I would really like the yurt (hell, the whole ranch) to be tv/internet free. Sort of a west coast MHouse. But can I really take Mags up there and expect her to stay indoors and stay sane without plunking her down infront of the boob tube? Or us, for that matter?

Recently I re-watched "The Piano" with Holly Hunter. There's a scene in which all of the settlers get together at the church and put on a performance of King Lear, I believe. No, that's not right. Bluebeard? Is he the one who beheaded all his wives? Anyhow, that dead guy. At one point, they do a scene where the king - we'll call him Old Blue - is threatening to kill his current wife because she's found the heads of all the other wives. But the whole scene is done with shadows thrown on a sheet, a la Thai? Indian? shadow puppets. I was thinking it'd be cool to do some sort of shadow puppet show, maybe of fairy tales, or maybe a made up story. I'd definitely need to recruit some other insane soul, either to narrate or help drive the puppets (where's snolley when you need her?)

I think I'll go and cruise Amazon right now for a book on how to do shadow puppets!

And then of course do a performance at BMan.


At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say you just whip something together for the MH. What, are you slacking these days? :)
Try: (simple but probably not the scale you want) (very wordy, but helpful)

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi baby!

At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

god forbid a baby of this day and age should be active and use his/her imagination to entertain themselves. seriously! thats what kids did before tv and the internet.. and look hoew great they turned out... oh wait.
tv and internet free sounds excellent. can i move in with you guys?

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Shannon Des Roches Rosa said...

My friend Ambah has considerable experience building decks upon which to put yurts and then living in them, usually upon wild remote mountaintops adjacent to terraced farms she tends and whose rock walls she built herself. She'd probably be happy to chat or help.


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