Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Speaking of The Doctor

Mags, several of her toy animals and myself met with The Doctor at Stanford again today. If you recall, last we spoke with Herr Doktor, he was fairly certain I did not have Cushings Syndrome. I don't seem to really have any of the physical/visible symptoms that normally accompany it, so he was feeling pretty safe to basically cross that off the list. Now he's not so sure. And while last time the meeting was somewhat dismissive (if I can use that with a non-negative connotation,) this time there seemed to be an undercurrent of concern (if I can use that with a non-panic-y connotation.) The blood tests showed that I'm fairly high for some particular growth hormone as well as testosterone, which may also be caused by a possible growth on the pituitary gland and ties in nicely with the other test results. He's not going to make any sort of diagnosis until he gets the urine test resuls in hand, as well as some confirmation test results for the blood that was drawn today, but he's feeling strongly enough about it that he's got me on the schedule to get an MRI of said gland taken several weeks from now.

So, it turns out I'm not losing my mind (about this, anyhow.) He agrees that I've got some fairly glaring issues with my hormone levels and my adrenals, and spent a good portion of our meeting reassuring me that we will get to the bottom of this, and that there's nothing there that can't be taken care of, best facility around, etc., etc., etc. He also started to try and reassure me about the quality of surgeons there at Stanford, because apparently if this is where this is all going, that's how they get rid of it. Which for all my wanting there to be a problem, still does make me a *bit* uncomfortable, especially compared to say, a radiation treatment-type solution. But cart, blah, horse, blah. My MRI isn't until the beginning of May, and I don't know that I'll see him again in the interrim. I'll try to not get too spooled up about it in the meantime.

Try being the operative word.


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