Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Smo-oke on the Water (and Everywhere Else Too)

The state, the state, the state is on fire,

We don't have no water let the motherfucker burn
Burn motherfucker

Wheee! Fire season is starting early this year in Cali. As you can see, most of NorCal is engulfed in flames. And for those of us who aren't in immediate danger of self-emolation, the air is thick with smoke from fires hundreds of miles away. I recently heard someone describe it as 'stepping outside their house and feeling like they'd just stepped into a cigar bar'. Nice.

Pretty much everyone I know is walking around with their noses wrinkled all the time. The teachers at Mags' school has been explaining it to them as well, so they're not weirded out. Personally, I'm getting some large, crusty and bloody booger action going on. I'll admit, right now I'm actually looking forward to strapping on my mask at night, because then I get to breathe filtered and moist air. That's how nasty it is right now.

The air pollution did make for some stunning, if not slightly post-apocalyptic sun viewing yesterday evening. I'll see if I can grab a photo tonight to share.

And to end this post with yet another appropriate song clip:

She ran calling wiiiiiildfire,
She ran calling wiiiiiiIIIIIiiiild fire,

She ran calling wIIIIIiiiiiIIIIIiiiiiiIIIIIiiiiildfiiiiiiiire....


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