Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Got Me Another Job! And Some More Stress!

Just landed a job as the costumer for a production of Guys and Dolls at this theater. Per usual, I am both very excited....aaaaand crapping my pants. There are lots and lots of costumes to pull (read: not have to sew) at the theater already, which is fantastic, but there are something like 25+ cast members, and possibly twice that many costumes.

The show doesn't start til early September, which is good. A bit overwhelmed right now. Need more booze. The theater is really nice though, and the rest of the production folks seem very fun to work with.

Oh, and did I mention I applied for and got a job sewing costumes at this college in MA? I start mid October and the gig runs for a month. And then I go back out in March-ish for another month. Am looking forward to time spent with friends on that trip. :) Am also looking to not being in charge and just getting to turn my brain off at the end of each day!

I even *turned down* a job today. Nothing huge, mind you, and nothing that really *paid* much of anything. but it did sound like a fun job nonetheless. However, the clients wanted me to make the costumes without actually meeting them to get measurements (simply by measurements over email alone,) and would not even be in the state until two days before they needed the costumes. Busy schedule aside, I learned my lesson with that long distance sewing fiasco last year and will not ever try that again.

So, if you hear from me even less in the next, say, forever than you have already, its nothing personal. :)


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