Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ouchie Stingy

Not that I've been burning up the internet lately, but I'm gonna be blogging even less than normal for a while. Email, too. My elbows and forearms have been in a fair amount of pain lately, probably due to months and months of post-surgery time in front of the computer with poor posture and poor keyboard setup. For whatever the reason, I'm just gonna give these old apendages some downtime. And some ice and ibuprofen as well. Need to NOT fuck up my wrists and arms, especially if, say for example, I want to use them for a career in sewing. T'would be bad, methinks.

But I do have some good news to share...has to do with sewing...and the color red...and the phrase, "You're amazing!" Will leave you hanging with that for now. Even this amount of typing is pissing off my arms. Arg.


At 10:47 PM, Blogger Traveling Em said...

Dammit! I enjoy your posts so much. Sorry about the ouchie stingy bits :(


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