Staring Down the Barrel of a (Hot Glue) Gun

Sometimes your mind can be so open that your brain falls out.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You Are Getting Very Sleepy...

I've long had suspicion that one of the reasons I am often so stressed out is because of the sleep deprivation. Yes, there are the obvious struggles; constantly running to appointments, the uncertainty, the anger, etc etc., but I'm talking about something different.

I think my body keeps itself in a semi-permanent stressed mode on purpose so that I just don't fall asleep while standing there. Today, for example. I have acupuncture again this afternoon like I do every week. And I'm betting like I almost always do, I'm going to fall asleep - regardless of the fact that my facial muscles are tic-tic-ticking away - just because I am being forced to lie prone and quietly. Relaxing. And today I sat down with a book that discussed the technique of deep breathing and three-minute meditation techniques. Yep, I was out by about breath number four. Relaxed myself right into unconsciousness - AND this was after 10 hours of sleep* AND my usual fistful of daily vitamins and supplements to help me stay awake.

Yep, I bet my brain is physically making me stay awake most of the time. Stupid, hyper-responsible, pesky ole BRAIN.

*And per usual, I mean my usual sleep-with-constant-wakenings.


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